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[May. 15th, 2008|10:08 am]
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The Top New Momma Insults, Continued

- Your momma's so fat, her smileycon is a capital O.
- Your momma eats so much, when she browses, the stock price doubles.
- Your momma's breath is so bad, her cell phone keeps snapping shut.
- Your momma's so obsolete she still programs her microwave in FORTRAN.
- Your momma's so fat, she shows up on Google Earth.
- Your momma's so ugly even phone sex operators hang up on her.
- Your momma's so ugly, they made her put a paper bag over her Facebook page.

The Top Jobs You Can Do While Running a Marathon

- Deodorant tester.
- Paint shaker.
- Pizza delivery person for people who really plan ahead.
- Road painter.
- Traffic reporter.
- Fedex Ground Non-priority delivery person.
- Internet Humour List Contributor.
- Asthma inhaler tester.
- Prison escapee.
- Extra in a "Godzilla" movie.

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