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How to let go
In the moment you get the sad feeling or thought about who you are missing/wanting/needing- take a breath - and change the thought. That is just that simple. You can train your mind to do it and you'll get better at it.
"I'm loving me right now. I'm feeling my love right now."
Your heart has been opened to love - so give it to yourself. Be mindful not to entertain any thought why relation ended, what the person said, who they are with and why they are not with you. Stay away from those toxic thoughts, refuse to allow your mind to entertain any thought that will lead your path down to suffering. Replace that thought with a loving thought about yourself. I'm choosing to let go. Choice is your power. Another way - be grateful. Shift memories into the place to gratitude of what you have experienced (un tie nav nekādi joki, pieredzēto ar Maestro var likt grāmatā) :)
You are the love you want, give and seek. You can let go once you really realy believe that. What you experience as love was the love that you are.
čekojot, kā savākt savus kauliņus kopā
/Iyanla Vanzant/
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