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[Mar. 27th, 2008|09:05 am]
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Last year marked the 5th anniversary of the war in Iraq. One of the more interesting protests happened in Times Square when the "Granny Peace Brigade" (raging in age from 60 to 93, some in rocking chairs and wheelchairs) held a Knit-In, making stump socks for vets as they shouted down pro-war activists.

The Top Things Overheard at the Granny War Protest

- "Hot Flashes, Not Hot Wars!"
- "I think if we'd send *you* and your knitting needles over there, you'd scare the hell out of 'em, ma'am."
- "You're a warmonger and I'm a warm anchor. How about us coalescing, sonny?"
- "Yes, ma'am, we'll stop bombing Germany"
- "So this is what 'Stitch and Bitch' is all about!"
- "I knew menopause went on too long, but this war is ridiculous!"
- "I want those boys home. I have three unmarried granddaughters, dammit!"
- "Get ready for Wool War I."

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