/posto d' mobile/ Elja |
/posto d' mobile/ Elja | 23. Maijs 2006 @ 17:19  |
Nesaprotu, no kurienes radusies doma, nedrikst jaukt kopaa nesinteetiku ar sinteetiku. Servisaa jau kaartejo reizi mani ar to baida |
es to allazj esmu pienemusi kaa svetu patiesibu:)
Vot kad sajauksi sinteetiku ar mineraalelju... tad arii redzeesi kas sanaaks :) Parasti tas reduceejaas uz to, ka motoram nepiecieshams kapitaalais remonts, jo ellja ir paarveertusies meerenaa biezpienaa, deelj kaa pa saaniem var izliist kaads klanis. Taa luuk!
![[User Picture Icon]](http://klab.lv/userpic/100363/5422) |
From: | viuks |
Date: |
23. Maijs 2006 - 21:46 |
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Vot tā daudzi saka, tik neraža tā, ka ne teorētiski ne praktiski parasti nekas tāds nenotiek. Cik atminos tad motoreļļas mūsdienās visas ir savstarpēji saderīgas, bet sevisos visos, kā viens skatās uz mani lielām acīm un melnām mutēm, apgalvojot, ka cauri būs.
Njez, kas tās bija pa zupām ko gudrie pacani salēja kopā, bet es esmu redzējis motoru no kura eļļu ar karoti kā galertu varēja raust laukā!
Nu ko tur mocies ar savu pārliecību - pārbaudi pats un pastāsti kā bija ;)
![[User Picture Icon]](http://klab.lv/userpic/71403/5422) |
From: | viuks |
Date: |
25. Maijs 2006 - 14:45 |
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Nu es jau saku, ka vēl nekas nav izjucis. Piem dīzeļopelim bija ielieta pirms ziemas sintētika, bet laikam pa šķidru un jo traki ēda, paņēmu un piegāzu minerālo 15w40 klāt un ir ok. 10w40 tak skaitās pussintētika un tur tak ir jau viena daļa sintētikas, viena daļa minerālā. Mani taisni tas tracina, ka servisos, kur it ka spečuki strādā, tiek apgalvots, ka tā nevar. Bet nu kapē neviens nesaka, tikai, ka motors būs čupā un viss. Es tak saku, ka tam apgalvojumam nav ne praktiska, ne teorētiska pamatojuma. Viņiem kas, bail, ka ja es pa ziemu ar sintētiku braucu, pa vasaru negribēšu viņu pirkt, jo dārgāka?
First question: Is it OK to mix these products? Answer: Yes. Most synthetic based fluids are miscible with mineral base oils, i.e. they will not form a phase separation or react negatively with the mineral base stock. There are exceptions- silicone fluids and some perfluoroethers come to mind, however the fluid supplier makes this very well known, and the cost of the fluids is such that they are tightly controlled in most facilities that use them.
Second question should be: Are there any drawbacks of mixing mineral and synthetic fluids? Answer: Yes! Reduced service life for the mix, and more harmful oil breakdown products- the types which cause more sludging and corrosion. Mineral oil has less oxidation resistance than synthetic oil. The mineral oil will oxidize faster, and produce oxidation byproducts. These byproducts act as catalysts towards further oxidation, which will induce the synthetic product to start the oxidation degradation also. The result is a more shortened life than what you would expect for the full synthetic base. The byproducts formed when the synthetic oil breaks down are generally more corrosive than the mineral product.
The easy fix here is don’t mix the products. When ever you are switching from mineral base oil to synthetic base oil, be sure to thoroughly flush the old product out to ensure maximum service life for your new synthetic.
![[User Picture Icon]](http://klab.lv/userpic/100363/5422) |
From: | viuks |
Date: |
25. Maijs 2006 - 14:59 |
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Tas tāpat ir tīri teorētiski, jo mūdienu motoreļļu "garantētais darba intervāls" ir ap 20 tūkst. km, bet maina visi tapat pie 10.
![[User Picture Icon]](http://klab.lv/userpic/100363/5422) |
From: | viuks |
Date: |
25. Maijs 2006 - 15:13 |
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Yes, it is OK to mix mineral and synthetic oils. One of the early synthetics used was a Polyalkylene Glycol. This was totally incompatible and would gel when mixed. This has not been used for years for automotive lubrication. All common synthetics used for engine lubrication now days are a Polyalphaolefin (Mobil 1) or a Dibasic Organic Ester type (AMSOIL). These are fully compatible with conventional oils. In fact Golden Spectro and AGIP Sint 2000 are mixtures of mineral and synthetic oils. It is always best to mix oils with the same rating (SG).
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