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[Feb. 15th, 2008|11:09 am]
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Writers' strike? End of strike? Will there actually *be* an Oscars this year?

The Top Things We'll See at the 2008 Academy Awards

- No aisle seats for old men.
- "And the Oscar goes to... some indie film you've never heard of starring British people."
- LA unemployment office workers picketing for lost wages.
- Kiefer Sutherland, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and Michelle Rodriguez all show up wearing their prison-issue jumpsuits.
- A test pattern on my TV screen.
- Interviews with both the people who saw the Best Picture nominated movies.
- Tom Cruise wins "Best Portrayal of a Mental Patient". Not for any movie, though.
- Without writers scripting all of that lame banter, ceremonies whiz by in only 17 minutes.

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