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[Jan. 31st, 2008|07:21 pm]
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Queen Elizabeth launches her YouTube channel..

The Top Features of Queen Elizabeth's "The Royal Channel" on YouTube

- Constant pop-ups offering to increase the size of your jewels.
- Unlike most YouTube content the videos don't just suck, they *royally* suck.
- Footage of Lady Chris Crocker shrieking, "Leave Camilla alone!"
- There's no firewall around the site, just a moat.
- In accordance with official protocol, the site has been renamed "WeTube."
- Two Beefeaters, one cup.
- Widescreen mode to fit both of Prince Charles' ears.
- In deference to the Queen's worldview, all videos are in black and white.
- Rare video of her debut with Freddie Mercury at the 1984 Montreux rock festival.

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