Khe-he - The Top 5 Signs James Bond Is Losing His Masculinity [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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The Top 5 Signs James Bond Is Losing His Masculinity [Feb. 18th, 2006|12:10 pm]
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5. The new Bond girl: Phyllis Boxers, as portrayed by RuPaul.

4. He keeps insisting to Q that a rosy shade of poisoned lipstick is his best defense.

3. Overwrought following a high-speed chase on the Autobahn, 007 finds comfort in season one of "Gilmore Girls" and a pint of Cookies 'n' Cream.

2. Insists on going to the costume ball as Lara Croft, Tomb Raider.

1. "Martini. Stirred, not shaken. With two olives, but on the side. No, wait -- just one olive. Can you take the pimento out? Yeah? Ok, give me two olives then. Oh, but they have oil in them. You know what? Just give me a Tab. With lemon. No, lime...."
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