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[Jan. 17th, 2008|07:56 am]
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Just as I was about to slip some more company pens and note pads into my pocket, that small inner voice stopped me, saying, "Jerry, don't do that. It's wrong." Then it added, "Why don't you kill everybody here instead?"
Jerry L. Embry

Sure, some people may snicker behind your back when you change your name to Mr. Meek, but they'll change their tune when they see you drive by in the Ferrari you financed using the Earth as collateral.
John Holt

I'm really pissed off that this year's presidential ballot offers no candidates who are against education, healthcare, families and children.
Brian Perbix

The Top Positive Incontinence Slogans

- Give yourself a warm feeling all over.
- Urine good pants.
- Keep going and going and going... and that's OK.
- Was it in you?
- If you're happy and you know it, wet your pants.
- Hey, bladder, bladder... hey, bladder, bladder... spring!
- Pee all that you can pee.
- Enjoy a soothing warm bath -- in the comfort of your own pants.
- Can you smell me now?
- 100% more comfortable than having a catheter shoved in your peehole.
- You look good in yellow!
- Relief? You're soaking in it!
- Relax and go with the flow.
- Good to the last drop, wherever it lands.
- Piss first, ask questions later.
- Go wee, wee, wee, all the way home.
- Pissing: It's not just for swimming pools anymore!
- Give YOUR pants the fresh, clean scent of ammonia.
- Don't worry, be soggy.
- Astronaut tested and approved.

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