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Izplatu muļķības - Little Deaths.
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Little Deaths.
There's a hole in me. I have no idea how did it get there or what to make of it, but it's there. It's there for some time now and it doesn't go away. Or maybe I haven't tried hard enough. As with everything else in my life, I just don't try hard enough..

Willpower is all it takes to make us somebody. To lift us higher up to our dreams and goals and new opportunities. Maybe some of us are too spoiled to have a willpower, maybe some of us have lost it along the way. Maybe some of us just are not meant to be. Great, fortunate, happy, here. Fighters. That's what I miss [? is it even the right word?] about myself. No, what I lack. Being someone who is strong, brave, fearless and able to fight. [Against all odds.] 
Just fight would be enough though.

'Be the change you want to see in this world.' And if I can't? If I don't want to see myself.. If I rather seize to exist altogether.. Wouldn't that be.. nice.

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Current Mood: desperate
Current Music: silence

Name: madara
Back December 2013
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