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[Dec. 5th, 2007|10:39 am]
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This holiday season, instead of material gifts I just decided to give everyone bronchitis.
Brad Simanek

In the time it took for me to stop and smell the roses, the S.W.A.T. team caught up to me. Thanks for the *super* advice, Abby.
Walter Means

French President Nicholas Sarkozy halted a "60 Minutes" interview with Lesley Stahl when she asked him about his wife, Cecilia -- not realizing the couple was secretly going through a divorce at the time. D'OH! But what questions did she NOT have a chance to ask?

The Top Questions Lesley Stahl Did Not Get to Ask the French President

- "So... guillotined anybody this week?"
- "I bet it really freaked you guys out when we started calling them 'freedom fries,' didn't it?"
- "What do you think of the Burger King Croissan'wich?"
- "Please answer the question! Now, for the tenth time, What does 'Je ne sais quois' mean?"
- "If one train leaves Paris traveling north by northwest at 75 km/hr, and a second train leaves Lyon eighteen minutes later traveling south east at 62 km/hr, why did your wife leave you?"
- "Why did France refuse to support the war in Iraq? Was there a shortage of white flags that week?"
- "Are you planning on killing any more members of the British Royal Family?"
- "Fries. Toast. Bread. Horn. Dressing. Kisses! You people have your hands into damn near EVERYthing, don't you?"
- "Why is it you can't speak the language as beautifully as those lovely people from Quebec?"
- "That iron skeleton is such an eyesore. When are you guys going to get off your butts and finish the Eiffel Tower?"
- "Forget global warming and the Middle East. Can you explain your country's stance on *deodorant*?"
- "So, how much is it going to cost us to get you to keep Gerard Depardieu the hell away from Hollywood?"

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