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[Nov. 14th, 2007|08:09 am]
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A new Georgia Tech study says some Roomba owners become emotionally attached to the robotic vacuum. Some have named them, dressed them -— even introduced them to parents. ("Honey, we really need to have a talk about your new boyfriend. He... well, he sucks.")

The Top Signs You've Become Too Involved With an Appliance

- You keep the microwave's clock set to the exact hour and minute you first spotted it in the Best Buy Scratch 'n' Dent section.
- Your refrigerator is wearing a tiger-print thong and assless chaps.
- Every time you walk by your fax machine, it spits out another copy of the restraining order telling you to stay 500 feet away.
- You saved a lock of its first carpet lint in a scrapbook.
- The Radio Shack guys start stacking up the boxes of D-cells as soon as you pull up outside.
- "Do you, Frank, take serial #57-44521RV, to have and to hold..."
- Sure, some people throw a toaster in the tub when it's plugged in, but *you* leave it unplugged so it can safely enjoy the scent of the lavender bubble beads you bought it.
- When the UPS guy brought it to your house, you videotaped the delivery.
- It's stored in a velvet-lined cabinet that's rigged to play Ravel's "Bolero" whenever the door is opened.
- Look, it's really quite simple: You're too involved if you put something of yours inside it or vice-versa. Are we clear?

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