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[Jun. 11th, 2014|05:44 am]
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The greatest gift we can give ourselves and give the world is the gift of knowing ourselves. This quote which I rediscovered sums it up; ‘Man’s main task in life is to give birth to himself – Erich Fromm’. Everyone will interpret this in their own way; here is what it means for me. I was born an amazing, wonderful and great being. The very fact that I am here is a miracle and is important in the greater scheme of things. There are no mistakes especially when it comes to birth and death. Somewhere along the way I forgot that I am amazing, wonderful and great and so in my wisdom I thought that my life was about showing it to myself and others. This unfolded in many ways, most of my decisions were made from my need to be what I already was. Some of my choices and decisions in life have taken me away from knowing and rediscovering myself, they were distractions from the real work. They were all about ‘doing’ not ‘being’. When I look around me I see a world where people are defining themselves by the great things they have done, the marks they have left, the difference they have made and the contributions etc. In this world it is only in our ‘doing’ that we are great. This year I came to realise for me that it is in my ‘being’ that I am great. The challenge is to do mediocre small things from a place of inner and eternal greatness; that is my sovereignty.
(Leone Kennedy)
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