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[Oct. 23rd, 2007|10:44 am]
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Matter-antimatter hydrogen atoms (positronium) have been combined into molecules...
The Top Uses for Molecular Positronium

- Impress all the geeks at the next Star Trek convention.
- What a time saver! A form of hydrogen that you don't need to ignite to cause an explosion.
- Bond it to oxygen, add some electrolytes and put it in a plastic bottle. You've now created the most explosive new sports drink on the market.
- Forget sugar cubes. A cube of this stuff in your coffee will keep you up for a week!
- Who cares, that's marketing's job.

The Top Internet Diseases

- Chronic :(
- Spamorrhoids
- Ebayla virus
- The common code
- Big Blue Balls
- YouTuberculosis
- iThritis: joint pain caused by using Apple products

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