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[Sep. 18th, 2007|11:02 am]
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The Top Differences If the Internet Had Been Popular in the 1940s

- Size of average American home would double as people build extra rooms to hold personal Univacs.
- Apple's iPhone? Rotary dial.
- Germany's Enigma machine code cracked in 12 hours by a script kiddie with a Commodore 64.
- Illegal downloads never really catch on because there's no convenient way to burn them to vinyl.
- You'd never get tired of watching those Bogart-Bacall sex tapes, even at 150 baud.
- Security programs on Hawaiian computers looking for Japanese viruses find nothing but zeros.
- Rommel wouldn't have wasted his time in North Africa when Nigeria had so much wealth for the taking.
- Your grandfather would've had a much bigger penis.

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