raidījums par planētas tautu tradicionālo mūziku - zeme #09 - pigmeji [14.11.2015] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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zeme #09 - pigmeji [14.11.2015] [Jan. 17th, 2016|11:11 pm]
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[music |aka pygmies - musics&polyphonic songs from the great forest]

Centrālās āfrikas lietusmežu iemītnieku - pigmeju mūzika no Aka, Baka, Mbezele, Mbuti, Mbenge, Bibajaka tautām.


wiki par pigmejiem

wiki par pigmeju mūziku

par Baka pigmejiem

par Mbuti pigmejiem no Ituri lietusmeža, Kongō raksts par pigmejiem

intervija ar etnōmuzikolōgu Luis Sarno

Susanne Fürniss - aka polyphony: music, theory, back and forth [pdf]

Aka Pygmies of the Western Congo Basin

Colin M. Turnbull - the forest people

Daisuke Bundo - social relationship embodied in singing and dancing performances among the baka

Steven Feld - Pygmy POP. A Genealogy of Schizophonic Mimesis [pdf]


yelli - Baka women yodellers

Mbuti pygmies of the Ituri rainforest [Zaire]

Aka pigmeji no Kongo koncertā Francijā 2014

Bayaka pygmies music part 1

Bayaka pygmies music part 2

Bayaka pygmies music part 3

Bayaka pygmies music part 4

Bayaka pygmies music part 5

Bayaka pygmies music part 6

Bayaka pygmies music part 7

Bayaka pygmies music part 8

Bayaka pygmies music part 9

Bayaka pygmies music part 10

Bayaka pygmies music part 11

Bayaka pygmies music part 12

Recordings of Pygmy Music from the 1946 Ogooué-Congo Mission

Oscar Van Dillen - Pygmy Music [saites uz youtube videō]

1970to gadu filma par Ituri lietusmeža pigmejiem

the Baka tribe - journey

the Baka tribe - the arrival

the Baka tribe - the scandal

Pygmy Tribe - videō par Baka pigmejiem

A day with the Pygmies in Cameroon

on the edge of the ituri forest (northeastern belgian congo 1952) [hugh tracey recordings]

Pygmy People of The Rainforest - Ancient Baka Living Culture [Discovery documentary]


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