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[Sep. 4th, 2007|10:40 am]
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Comedienne divorcée Kathy Griffin is dating Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.

The Top Things Overheard at Woz and Kathy's First Date

- "A joke? Okay, let's, these two computer nerds walk into a bar, sorry."
- "So I told Steve, 'Lisa? At that price, who will be able to own-a?!'"
- "Is that an iPod in your pocket or are--oh, it *is* an iPod?"
- "Really? *I'm* a D-List celebrity, too!"
- "Come to think of it, take away 23 years and that bad plastic surgery and you could pass for the '1984' girl."
- "I don't care how fast you drive it, a Prius is still a car for geeks"
- "I like your hair color. We make an iMac in that shade."
- "So, I hear you're a computer expert. Do you think you could fix my Windows PC from blue-screening?"

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