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[Sep. 1st, 2007|12:00 pm]
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As my wife watched in horror while I perpetrated what had to be the worst diaper change in history of mankind, she swore she'd *never* let me do another one. Woo-hoo! Mission accomplished!
Brad Simanek

The only things in life that you can't avoid are death and taxes. And an occasional pedestrian.
Perry Friedman

The Top Democrat Election '08 Bumper Stickers

- Sure, we'll mop up the mess.
- Our turn! C'mon! Our turn!
- We couldn't POSSIBLY do any worse!
- Them: underage pages. Us: adult interns. Who's perverse?
- Not your father's moron candidate.
- Presidential-scandal-free for nearly 7 years.
- Don't look here -- the joke is in the White House.
- Stop global warring.
- This time, nothing can go worng!

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