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[Links:| Jaunie Dziesmas Stāsti ]

[Mar. 25th, 2010|09:22 am]
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"This idea is brilliant, and Yersika can't afford to pass it up," claims Alexei Li, your Minister of Safety. "These loudspeakers can assure the public that the government is always here to help them. The potential here, to immediately warn citizens of an emergency such as an earthquake or a stampede of šmurguļss or something, simply must be taken into account! This could save lives! And I suppose, when there isn't anything the citizens need to be told, you could always use them to broadcast patriotic messages like 'Na muna sāta, na muna gūs'' and inform the good people which party to join and vote for with newsbriefs and such. It'll be worth it to strengthen the populace's devotion to our glorious nation!"
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