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[Jul. 26th, 2007|11:39 am]
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The Top Ways Harry Potter Characters Keep Fit

- Ron: "Biceptus Gigantus!"
- Professor Snape: Anal Crunchies
- Harry: Regular sprints through campus, coupled with the motivational powers of a fire-breathing dragon, help to promote cardiovascular fitness in the survivors
- Hermione: Use small hand-weights while repeatedly raising hand in class
- Draco Malfoy: walks around Hogwarts all day with two large dumbbells

The Top Military Aircraft Named by Women

- F-14 Bling-Blang
- Lockheed L-57 Nut Clipper
- B-1 Invisible Pantyline
- C-130 Shopping Cart
- The B-52 BUFF (Beautiful Unflawed & Fabulous Face)
- The F-22 Oh No You Didn't
- F-15 Catfight
- The A-10 Bitch-Slap

The Top Fish Dirty Movie Titles

- Deep Trout
- Free Your Willy
- A Few Good Minnow
- Debbie Does Dolphins
- Ocean's Sixty-Nine
- Beyond the Green Dorsal
- Spawn Wars, Episode VI: Return of the Salmon
- Charlie's Angelfish
- Oh, Cod!
- Goldfishmember
- A Fish Balled Wanda
- Bang the Chum Slowly

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