Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - reasons [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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reasons [Jul. 16th, 2011|06:53 am]
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[Current Mood |v razdumjah]
[Current Music |karluša]

the first thought of today was the last one of yesterday.
i'm starting to feel that i might not find peace until i try it out.
because it seems to be a perfect solution to my whole life:

a) it preserves me from returning to my miserable existence, where every project comes with tons of tears and self-torture.
b) i might even find an ambition in life - because i will want to be someone and HAVE A PLAN, not just enjoy 30% of the stuff i have to do today in order to become noone in particular.
c) i might not have to pay A LOT of money for my cause
d) the fact that i do not necessarily need those exams i don't have - seems like SIGN
e) i can move out of the house [īpaši, ja es dabūtu stipendiju.. es varētu atļauties kojas :P un some food..] - which means no more crap from mum [or grandma]
f) i can join the SP - because i'm much cleverer now :P
g) one of the best parts actually - i won't have to kill myself at the end of the summer.
h) i won't lose the creative part - because i still will be able to have all my hobbies - sew and take photos and draw and paint
i) i might even lose some weight
j) i'll have an ambition
k) i will be able to download new movies by the universities IP


a) i'll be 28 when i'm done [which is rather small sacrifice because even if i want to pursue the road i'm on.. it seems rather likely that i'll be 28 soon enough abd still have no purpose in life]
b) i won't be able to tell this to my parents. [so maybe i just leave them a note]
c) i'll have to part from my pets [and even if gordon is most painful one to me to part from - he's to be the one with the best care, it's kevin and karluša i'm worried about.. who would feed them? and clean their cages? who would not forget to do that?] [but anyway i might move to a flat with some other students and take those last two with me [if kevin will be alive then]]
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Date:July 18th, 2011 - 02:32 am

take in consideration.

i would say that those two first BUT arguments don't have much of a fight in them. And to ease your mind on point 'c', I believe it is possible to arrange adoption or smth on your friends' part. Animals in cages don't take up So much space and you Do have friends who will be ready to help you out. especially in such a decision. [I think that should make some '+' points for at least trying.]