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[May. 20th, 2007|03:03 pm]
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The Top Sure-to-Fail Pickup Lines Used by Men

- "Weren't you in 'Lord of the Rings' as Orc #2?"
- "... my vast empire of humor lists."
- "Well, it's closing time and neither of us is getting any thinner or younger. I guess you'll do."
- "Times a-wastin', sweetie. We're in the matrix and I just took the *blue* pill."
- "Damn, you look like good breeding stock!"
- "The fact that you're flat as a board makes me want to nail you even more."
- "Have you ever done modeling? Because I'm a photographer for Fat Scat Slutz Monthly...."
- [*points at penis*] "Eh? Ehhhhh?"
- "Looks like you've had a rough day. You'd be amazed at how much a good ass-pounding can help you relax."

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