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[15. Feb 2007|11:24]
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ieslēdz un paskaties pa logu ......
Saule spīd ielas pretējā pusē mašīnas logos, ka nepieciešams darbā uzlikt saules brilles, bet kad paskaties atkal uz monitoru, tu jūties kā kurmis, kas neko neredz, jo esi apžilbināts no saules :)

10cc - I'm not in the love

I am not in the love, therefore do not forget her
It is a stupid phase straight, which I go through
And straight because I call you up
If you do not receive injustice to me, think do not have it formed.
I am not in the love, no No.!

It is, because...

I may see you, but on the other hand
That means means the much you to me
Thus, if I call you, do not form a foot
Do not explain to your friends over the two of us
I am not in the love, no No.!
It is, because...

You are calm, large boys cry not, large boys cry not, large boys cry not, large boys cry not, large boys cry not, large boys cry not

I hold your illustration after the wall
She hides gust lakes a mark, which lies there
Thus you do not ask me to give it back
I know you know it mean that much not to me
I am not in the love, no No.!
It is because

Ooh, wait you a long time for me
Ooh, wait you a long time

I am not in the love, therefore do not forget her
It is a stupid phase straight, which I go through
And straight because I call you up
If you do not receive injustice to me, think do not have it formed
I am not in the love, I am not in the love.
linkGribi pateikt kaut ko?

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Date:16. Februāris 2007 - 10:17
bet dziesma ir riktiigi labaa! :)