oi oi we are gonna praise The LORD
bananas piedziivojumi
8th-May-2005 11:47 pm
It would fun to have a brand new convertible sitting in the driveway. Bright red paint, leather interior, custom speakers,that would be great. But then there's the dog who likes to jump on the door. There are the neighbor kids who put fingerprints on all the windows. Insurance, of course, will be sky high . . .Sometimes the nicest possessions carry the heaviest chains. And the heavier the chains, the less enjoyment we get out of them. But we buy more and more chains. Yet in Luke, Jesus tells us what our possessions are good for:"Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. In this way, your generosity stores up a reward for you in Heaven" (Luke 16:9, NLT).We all need things to get by, but if you're getting them for happiness, you're going the wrong way.
9th-May-2005 11:44 pm
Nu cik var par to dievu muldeeties. Liec tach vinju mieraa. Vinjsh jau tev netraucee, Santinj. Tobish - liek tevi mieraa... Ek, cik tomeer cilveeka zemapzinja ir speeciiga. Var visu ko sev iestaastiit un visam kam noticeet...
12th-May-2005 03:50 pm
:) mmm.. Eziit!!!! :)Dievs nav vienaldziigs!Tu tici zemapzinjas speekam, es ticu reaalam Dievam.Tev shkjiet, ka Dievam viss vienalga, un neviena dziivee Vinjsh nedarbojas, bet ir divu veidu cilveeki, ir taadi, kuri izveelas dziivot kaa vien grib, nereekjinoties ar citiem un ar Dievu, bet ir cilveeki, kuri dziivo dziivi, kur pats nav visa centraa. Pirmajiem ir paartruukushas attieciibas ar Dievu, taapeec arii vinjiem Dievs klusee, otrajiem ir attieciibas ar Dievu, gluzhi kaa tev ar taviem draugiem... varbuut vajaga saukt paliigaa Kaadu, kursh var attieciibas atkal salabot!?
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