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Been there, done that - on gaming
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Well, this is what I call ridiculous:

Microsoft plans to launch the Xbox 360 in Eastern Europe, the Middle East and South Africa via both specialist and mainstream retailers by the end of 2008.

Cerams, ka drukas kļūda, savādāk tas ir totāls pzdc. On the bright side:

Bethesda Softworks announced today that Oblivion, the fourth installment in the award-winning Elder Scrolls series, has sold more than 1.7 million copies for PC and Xbox 360 since its March 20th launch date.

On the console side of Tamriel, the title is reported as the "fastest selling" game for the Xbox 360.

The Elder Scrolls series is no stranger to success: the previous title in the series, Morrowind, is still one of the top 25 best-selling PC games -- four years after its release.

And now for something totally unrelated: galva dulla no taurēm, un, what's worse, rīt jau 9.00 jābūt uz strīpas - sākas pats lielākais brainfucks - miksēšana. Toties es varu garantēt, ka rezultāts būs labs. Cuk, cuk.
From: [info]pitchforks Date: 11. Aprīlis 2006 - 10:44 (Norāde uz piebildi)
Nu, un, klausies, kāds tavs personīgais viedoklis - ir ģeniāls tas Oblivijānis? Un, salīdzinot ar Morrowindu?
capslock From: [info]capslock Date: 11. Aprīlis 2006 - 14:52 (Norāde uz piebildi)
Duh. Don't know. Ir smuki, ir ok, man patīk, lai gan spēlējis esmu diezgan maz. Salīdzināt ar Morrowindu īsti nevaru, to es esmu spēlējis vēl mazāk. Bet nu recommended viennozīmīgi, kaut ko labāku uz doto brīdi laikam nebūs iespējams atrast.
From: [info]pitchforks Date: 11. Aprīlis 2006 - 16:22 (Norāde uz piebildi)
Manai kastei tikai nobolīties uz to :D.
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