05 Janvāris 2012 @ 15:32
Filozofu atmiņas par Damitu.

Dažas ir aizkustinošas, bet dažas - jautras. Piemēram,

"Dummett’s stratospheric philosophical reputation and his occasional fierceness were such that one could easily forget that he had a great sense of humor and freely laughed his strange infectious laugh. I had just finished telling him a joke about self-knowledge, at which he had chuckled, when he said that he knew one of the same kind. “A prominent politician is running for election and goes to visit a nursing home to campaign,” he began. “He is standing in the middle of the garden and the residents are passing him by without so much as a hello. Finally, he loses his patience and shouts at the next elderly lady who walks by: ‘Do you know who I am!?’ And she replies, ‘No, dear, but if you ask Matron over there, she’ll tell you.’” And then came that rolling laughter that slowly built — ha, haha, hahaha — until his body shook and his eyes became glistening slits.

Alexander George, Amherst College"