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Par mārketingu :) [Oct. 3rd, 2006|11:38 pm]
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The Top Marketing Slogans for Microsoft's Zune Music Player

- "Want to know the lyrics to 'Louie Louie'? Use our moderately priced tech support!"

- "Almost as good as the replica of the real thing!"

- "Comes pre-infected with malicious viruses... uh, I mean, it's XP compatible."

- "It's 99 44/100 percent pure iPod."

- "Let us do for your music what we've done for your computer."

- "When owning an Apple product just isn't 'alternative' enough."

- "Free iPod included."

The Defense Department has hired a PR firm to improve media coverage of the U.S. military in Iraq.
The Top Rejected Pentagon Slogans

- Now with 25% more sides than any other federal agency!

- You'll do.

- Hey, know what would really piss off your parents?

- It's Mullah time!

- We kill more people before 9 a.m. than you kill all day playing video games.

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