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[Aug. 20th, 2010|10:45 pm]
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"I come bearing .gifs." -The Internet
-Streeter Seidell

Drinking tap water is much better for the environment than bottled water. So I dump garbage on the ground whenever I turn a faucet on to keep the balance.
-Patrick Cassels

Word Problem
If the Millenium Falcon is traveling at lightspeed and the Starship Enterprise is traveling at warp speed in the complete opposite direction, how long before I finally find out what a boob feels like?
-Brian Murphy

I bet the phrase 'grammar Nazi' started when someone was looking for spelling errors in the "Diary Of Anne Frank"
-Conor McKeon
Body Fact

My biggest fear in life is a tie between a celebrity trying to tweet at me but incorrectly spelling my username and spiders.
-Amir Blumenfeld

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