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[Aug. 3rd, 2006|01:01 pm]
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The Top Effects of Global Warming on Fitness Activities

- No more ocean swimming "shrinkage."
- Running from flood waters is a good aerobic workout.
- "Anyone want to buy my ice skates?"
- Headline: Wimbledon Interrupted by Migrating Polar Bears
- Switzerland's new tourism ad campaign: "Come surf the Alps."

The Top Children's Books by Military Authors

- Private Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Basic Training Day
- The Little Nimitz-Class Carrier That Could
- Charlie and the Chocolate Grenade
- Something Armor-Piercing This Way Comes
- The Secret Garden and How to Besiege, Reduce and Pacify by 1400 Hours, Greenwich
- Good Night, Geosynchronous Orbital Satellite
- Oh the Places You'll Go... Heavily Armed on Peace-Keeping Missions!
- Pfc. Potter and the Order from Col. Phoenix

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