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Tuesday, June 28th, 2005
es tikai gribētu zināt,kur palika tas sirsnīgais un vienmēr smaidīgais,jaukais un mīļais cilvēks,kurā es iemīlējos?
un no kurienes uzradās tas nepārāk pieklājīgais un diezgan nejaukais un vispārīgi bezjūtīgais cilvēkas,kurš ir viss,kas atlicis no mana sapņu prinča,un kurš man tagad ir jāmīl?
tev jau nav nekādas vainas,es tik brīnos kā tik ātri izmainījās cilvēks...

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Looking back at me I see
That I never really got it right
I never stopped to think of you
I'm always wrapped up in
Things I cannnot win
You are the antidote that gets me by
Something strong
Like a drug that gets me high

What I really meant to say
Is I'm sorry for the way I am
I never meant to be so cold to you

I never really wanted you to see
The screwed up side of me that I keep
Locked inside of me so deep
It always seems to get to me
I never really wanted you to go
So many things you should have known
I guess for me theres just no hope
I never meant to be so cold

/crossfade - cold

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