10. Augusts 2004

[info]antropologist: BrandScience

Zinātnieki ir atklājuši, ka atspirdzinošo dzērienu (Coca Cola vs. Pepsi), izvēli nosaka nevis garšas īpašības, bet gan BRENDS (resp. zīmols:).

When Montague gave a taste of an unnamed soda to his volunteers he found that more people preferred Pepsi. On the scan images the ventral putamen, one of the brain’s reward centers, had a response that was five times stronger than for people who preferred Coke.
The shock came when Read repeated the experiment, this time telling volunteers which brand they were tasting. Nearly all the subjects then said they preferred the Coke.

Pretbranda aktīvisti izsaka bažas, ka tas varētu būt sākums jaunam mārketinga novirzienam: neirobrendingam.

[nav jau gluži zinātne ierastajā veidā, bet, ja tomēr interesē]