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[Jan. 5th, 2025|03:52 pm]

tas, ka mammīte pazīs savu bērnu starp simtiem citu, ir pasaku motīvs. es svētku koncertā pusstundu ar jūsmu skatījos uz svešu puiku, līdz sapratu, ka Simoniņš dzied otrā malā.
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[Jan. 5th, 2025|07:10 am]

“Leo once told me it was better to be rejected for who you are than to be loved for who you are not. Both demonstrated a sense of solid self I couldn’t relate to. I had spent too much time trying to find a place in the world – sometimes literally a roof over my head – that the luxury of imagining rejection as a choice was laughable.”
– Nate Lippens, Ripcord
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[Jan. 2nd, 2025|10:09 pm]

rjaženka 😋
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[Dec. 29th, 2024|09:55 pm]

NYT par Shen Yun, kas uzstājas Dailē:
The dance group Shen Yun Performing Arts has accumulated enormous wealth, in large part by getting followers of the Falun Gong religious movement to work for free and pay its bills, while exploiting young, low-paid performers, a New York Times investigation found.
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[Dec. 29th, 2024|02:41 pm]

pēc Liels & mazs balles villā tomēr aizgulējos un neaizbraucu uz laukiem. Aizsūtīju Eiženu pie Lolitas pēc Skukas dienasgrāmatas un valstos visu dienu, dzeru kombuču, ēdu dženku un lasu. labākais jaungada laika pavadīšanas veids.
ballīte bija kā aina holivudas filmā, kam mērķis parādīt, cik viss bija labi pirms sākās lielie sūdi.
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