March 17th, 2010
 | 07:54 pm - 18. marts - lekcija Social network/digital strategy ADWARDS ielūdz visus interesentus šo ceturtdien, 18. martā plkst. 17:00 uz Ingmara Jansona lekciju Social network/digital strategy KIM, (Spīķeros), Maskavas ielā 12, 3. stāvā. Ieeja bez maksas.
Ingmar Janson is the Executive Strategy Director of Naked Communications (Stockholm/Berlin), the world's leading strategic communication consultancies, with offices across Europe, USA and Asia. He specialises in innovative digital communication and channel neutral communication strategies and has worked on Nike, Mercedes, Coca Cola, Johnson & Johnson, Imperial Tobacco and the European Union. Prior to his appointment at Naked, he was the Digital Strategy Director River Stockholm, one of Sweden's largest independent interactive agencies and Managing Director Scholz & Friends International, one of europes most creative advertising agencies. Ingmar is also an avid follower of MotoCross, CrossCountry racing, snowboarding, skateboarding, international politics and street art.
The presentation is more or less about the do's and dont's of social media strategies and how social media and how a brand must act to be prepared for social media.
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