Patiesā notikumu gaita - Komentāri

About Komentāri
patiesības sardzē10. Septembris 2005 - 15:14
The other side of engagement is a much more rapid and aggressive response to information that is wrong. We'll create a rapid response unit here at the State Department, it's already in the works, to monitor media and help us more aggressively respond to rumors, inaccuracies, and hate speech whenever -- wherever they are engaged in around the world. Working with guidance from public affairs, our rapid response unit will also be able to support PAOs across the world in real time when they need fast action to information from Washington.

And we plan to forward-deploy regional SWAT teams who can look at the big picture and formulate a more strategic and focused approach to all our public diplomacy assets; not just country by country, but within a region of the world.

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