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dM Aug. 27th, 2004|12:13 pm
Promo remixes new single Depeche Mode to be commercially released

Posted by: Side-Line on Aug 27, 04 | 1:01 am

A Mute source has confirmed to Side-Line that the label has the intention to commercially release at least 2 seperate promo 12inches of the upcoming 2004 re-release of the "Enjoy the silence" single. These promos would be made commercially available in the first weeks after the remix album "Remixes 81-04" is released (October 25th). Remixes featured on these commercial promos include those by Blackstrobe, Rex The Dog, Cicada, Goldfrapp, Ulrich Schnauss and Colder. Also scheduled is a 'normal' 12" featuring the Timo Maas extended remix and the Ewan Pearson full length vocal mix. It is still unclear if the US and Europe versions will have different formats, though a single CD featuring all versions would not be abnormal for the US-market. We can already confirm that other tracks that have been remixed for the CD singles include "Halo" by Goldfrapp, "Nothing" by Headcleanr and "Photographic" by Rex The Dog. So far only 2 CD-single formats have been confirmed. We expect to receive the final tracklisting and formats in the upcoming days when Mute has completed everything. Side-Line will start in the next days the pre-orders for packets holding all different versions of the singles. An alternative track- and formatlisting can be found at though we were informed last night that this list is not definitive and still subject to change. The single is to be released October 18th on Mute Records.
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