Elizabeth Fraser - Moses EP (2009) |
Jan. 4th, 2010|09:50 pm |
"It seems like a long, long time since former Cocteau Twin Elizabeth Fraser made her presence felt as a solo artist, but with this new single it seems all that might be about to change. 'Moses' is something of an enigma - could this be a track from the yet-to-materialise solo album due a couple of years back, or is it an entirely fresh start? The track's soundscape is no less mysterious than its origins, setting swirling, archaic sounding choral samples amid dub rhythms and Eastern European accordion melodies while Fraser's voice sails across the mix in unearthly fashion in a language unbeknownst to this correspondent. Thighpaulsandra offer a sympathetic electronic reworking while Spaceland cast a gloomy, more organic production." [boomkat.com] |