No Rapidshare -> |
Dec. 3rd, 2009|01:29 am |
(Rīt pārlikšu cloud_zero arhīvus, bet droši vien uz kādu ārzemju servisu... filedropper?)
First in English, then in Latvian:
After idiotic behavior/policies from Rapidshare side lately I have moved from Rapid to It is an experiment, if won't be good enough I will search for some other service. So far everything looks great - yes, everything there is in Latvian, but everything is also very simple, just click on photo in the post, that will bring you to the site where there will be one bright blue name of the archive you want to download (and also a green arrow pointing at that), so you just can't miss it.
Of course I did not transfer my whole archive, just posts starting from October 04, but if you need something from earlier posts and can't for some reason download them, please ask me and I will reup them. Also please informs if there is any problems with the new service "". The list of already reuped files are available at the bottom of this post. Enjoy! And remember there arech more great stuff from where this came from.:)))
Paklausīju vairākumam un pēc vairāku vietņu izmēģināšanas secināju, ka ir tas labākais serviss ar ko nomainīt pilnīgā debilizācijā iegājušo Rapidshare.
Tādēļ, ja jums ir bijušas problēmas vai vispār neiespējami Rapidshare dēļ kaut ko novilkt no tā, ko šajā blogā esmu piedāvājis, tad tagad tām problēmām jābūt atrisinātām (cik pats esmu izmēģinājis... viss strādā!). Vienīgais es pārliku no Rapida uz Failiem tikai lietas sākot no šā gada 4.oktobra (sekos saraksts). Ja jums nepiecviešams kaut kas no agrākiem postiem un nevarat pie tiem piekļūt, dodiet tikai ziņu un es to ielikšu pa jaunu. Tāpat, ja tomēr rodas kādas problēmas ar, neklusējiet, bet dodiet ziņu, lai es zinātu, ka ir tādas problēmas un atrastu, kādu jaunu risinājumu! Baudiet! Pāris idiotiem: FAILI NAV UN NETIKS IELIKTI PA JAUNU, TIE ATRODAS SAVĀS IEPOSTĒTAJĀS VIETĀS UN SAVOS DATUMOS UN SAITE MEKLĒJAMA ZEM FOTO, KĀ PARASTI. MAINĪJIES TIKAI SERVISS KAS TO PIEDĀVĀ .... NEKAS VAIRĀK!
Tātad no Rapida uz ir pārlikti sekojoši ieraksti:
1) BELIAL - "Wisdom Of Darkness" CDEP - 1992 [Lethal Records (LRC 002)] with rare original artwork. 2) BESTIAL SUMMONING - "The Dark War Has Begun" LP - 1992 [No Fashion Records (NR 001) posted from very rare original vinyl copy. 3) BLACK SABBATH - "Black Sabbath" LP - 1970 [Melodija (USSR) version 19889/1990 incl. "Paranoid" tracks] 4) BLACK SABBATH - "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath" LP - 1973 [SNS Records, 1990 (USSR)] 5) BLACK SABBATH - "Live At Last" LP - 1973 [(1980 version.) Released in USSR by SNC Records around 1990] 6) BLASPHEMY - "Fallen Angel Of Doom" transparent pink LP - 199? [bootleg (Immigrant Darkness Recs.)], lim.333 copies. 7) BLOOD - Massacre 7" - 2001 [Ketzer Records (Self-released)] first pressing on blue vinyl limited to 500 copies, and if someone gives a damn - digitalized from autographed vinyl. Second pressing also 500 copies on green vinyl. |