Aug. 5th, 2004|11:14 am |
James Brown - The Funky Drummer [07:01, 96kbps, 1969.] Winstone - Amen Brother [02:32, 96kbps, 197?.]
Biki pagātnes un gabalu no zelta fonda. Šie divi treki ir vissamplētākie breikbītā [jungle / dnb / arii hiphop]. Ir labi zināt, no kā tad nāk tie jungle breiki. Ruutus neaizmirstam!
Lasām: One of the original jungle breaks, a classic that is still in common use and misuse today, is the amen break, from a funk song called "Amen Brother" played by The Winstons. The energy and intensity of this particular breakbeat is a perfect example of what drives jungle and drum and bass. Amen break's popularity probably lies in both the rough, funky, compressed style the drums are recorded in and the swing and the groove of the drummer that plays the solo. The original song is also quite fast, which probably made it so popular among the old-skool drum and bass artists.
The "funky drummer" break is one of the most used sampled drum loops in hip-hop and drum and bass genres together with the amen break which is more related to drum-and-bass. The original song from which the break is sampled is James Brown's song "Funky Drummer" (recorded November 20, 1969 in Cincinnati, Ohio). The drums on the original song are played by Clyde Stubblefield, who was the drummer for Brown's band at that time.
Jungle beats, originally cut from hip hop and funk records of the 1970s and 1980s, developed from their early form as equipment would allow. Many loop samplers around the time of Jungle's emergence would not accommodate beats faster than 150 BPM, and as technology adapted, artists made beats specifically for jungle, often out of beats sampled from old records. Drum machines were also employed, as their design allowed. |