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--- Jun. 11th, 2004|12:21 pm
Rammstein gets out of the dark

Posted by: Side-Line on Jun 11, 04 | 12:01 am | Profile

It has been announced for a month now, but a definite releasedate has now finally been set for the new Rammstein single "Mein Teil": 28th of June, 2004. Or not... because a Side-Line correspondent received info yesterday afternoon from the Ramstein management that an August release was being set. In the meantime the band also finished the recording sessions of their forthcoming, yet untitled, album. It was recorded in Spain with additional choir and strings recordings in Berlin. The mixing is being done outside of Germany. Production duties on the upcoming CD have been handled by Jacob Hellner, who worked with the group on "Mutter". In a more humoristoc note, the band has fpund a double for Rammstein member Richard Kruspe. It is believed that the double is to feature in the "Mein Teil" video. Rammstein are to play at the Danish Roskilde festival which runs from June 27-30.
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