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Mum Sep. 16th, 2003|05:54 pm

It's an enchanted world that Mum inhabit. Conceived in a remote Icelandic lighthouse, Finally We Are No One is an electronica album that conjures up hazy, half-remembered memories of childhood, both magical and eerie. The obvious comparisons are with Boards of Canada and Mum's compatriot, Björk. But as with their superb 2000 debut, Yesterday Was Dramatic, Today Is OK, Mum make a music that's far too original to be easily compartmentalized. So analog keyboards hum alongside muted digital glitches, and "proper" instruments--accordions, cellos, melodicas--flutter in and out of the mix. The overall effect is of a modern kind of folk music. It's gentle, almost-fey stuff, but the quartet (including twin sisters who appeared on the cover of Belle & Sebastian's Fold Your Hands Child, You Walk Like a Peasant) never slips into anything like polite ambience. Instead, the 11 pieces are like extracts from a particularly vivid dream journal, especially when the Valt?sdóttir sisters sing in their peculiar gurgling, infantilized way in the epically unfurling lullaby, "The Land Between Solar Systems." This is an album that leaves you longing for shady childhood experiences you never knew you'd even had


Mans viedoklis par MuM .. halucinācijas par bērnību, planējoši teletūbiji, zāle, miers, pārlaimība, smiekli, mīlestība.. prom, prom, prom no industrijas!!!

Katrā ziņā lieliska elektroniska mūzika...

p.s. drīz sākšu sist zobus tiem, kuri elektroniku neuzskata par mūziku .. itīpaši jau ar savu nekvalitatīvo un aizmirstībai nolemto zāģi (hardcore, nu-metal etc.) aizrautajiem pokemoniem.. brr
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