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State of emergency Nov. 11th, 2003|01:56 am

Curentaa muuzika ir vienkaarshi plososha. Diemzheel man nezinaamu iemeslu deelj man ir "access denied" mana hosta piekljuvei, un taapeec nevaru to nekur nomest. Bet ar shii pashsadabuushanu jums arii probleemas vareetu nebuut.

Vismaz texts:

all the accidents that happen
follow the dot
coincidence makes sense
only with you
you don't have to speak
i feel
emotional landscapes
they puzzle me
--then the riddle gets solved and you push me up to this :
.....state of emergency..... beautiful to be!.....
.....state of emergency..... where i want to be.....
all that no-one sees
you see
what's inside of me
every nerve that hurts you heal
deep inside of me
you don't have to speak - i feel
emotional landscapes
they puzzle me
--then the riddle gets solved and you push me up to this :
.....state of emergency..... beautiful to be!.....
.....state of emergency..... where i want to be.....
.....state of emergency.....
.....state of emergency.....
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