Comments: |
From: | arteck |
Date: | September 23rd, 2005 - 12:03 pm |
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es jau domāju, ka šitais varētu būt viens no variantiem
![[User Picture]]( | | | Although not a follower of hseroK divaD, she's a devoted Branch Davidian | (Link) |
Boards of Canada jau vispār ir pilnīga mistika (it īpaši jau albums Geogaddi). Kad jau esi šo mūziku kādu laiku klausījies, sāc pievērst uzmanību visiem tiem sīkumiem. Nu, sirdspuksti, kas sākas ap otro minūti dziesmā Turquoise Hexagon Sun, skaitļu radiostacijas (nezinu, vai īstas vai imitētas/parodētas) dziesmā Gyroscope etc. etc. Daudz ko interesantu var atrast klausoties dziesmas atpakaļgaitā. Nu, apgriez, piemēram, Rue The Whirl vai Happy Cycling un paklausies. A is to B as B is to C šajā ziņā ir episka kompozīcija, nevar pat izdomāt no kura gala klausoties patīk labāk :D Ja tu man prasi, ko visi tie reliģiskie/sātaniskie u.c. simbolismi, atsauces uz Korešu un viss pārējais nozīmē, un vai tiek darīts ar kādu konkrētu mērķi, es nezinu. Kā dziedāja The Incredible String Band:
Earth water fire and air Met together in a garden fair Put in a basket bound with skin If you answer this riddle If you answer this riddle You'll never begin
From: | arteck |
Date: | September 23rd, 2005 - 02:41 pm |
| | no tā paša | (Link) |
"I do actually believe that there are powers in music that are almost supernatural. I think you actually manipulate people with music, and that is definitely what we are trying to do. People go on about hypnotizing people with music, or subliminal messages, and we have dabbled in that intentionally. Sometimes that’s just a bit of a private joke, just to see what we can sneak into the tracks." Marcus Eoin
tikai žēl gan, ka tas intervijas links jau ir miris.
From: | arteck |
Date: | September 23rd, 2005 - 04:35 pm |
| | Re: no tā paša | (Link) |
From: | crack |
Date: | September 23rd, 2005 - 02:17 pm |
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From: | crack |
Date: | September 23rd, 2005 - 03:35 pm |
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domāju, tā ir spēle
ar klausītāju un ar sevi - mistika/numeroloģija/savādas sakritības. atceramies pink floyd un wizard of oz~
star citu viena no boc pirmajā relīzēm saucās "acid memories" 1989.
now this is where it brings you
From: | (Anonymous) |
Date: | September 23rd, 2005 - 04:17 pm |
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"Kas tik simpatisks ieksh hiphop + ambient?"
From: | 321 |
Date: | September 23rd, 2005 - 04:18 pm |
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"Kas tik simpatisks ieksh hiphop bungu partijas + ambient?"
* sajuka
From: | arteck |
Date: | September 23rd, 2005 - 08:21 pm |
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beidz, tu taču pats labi zini, ka tas ir gaumes jautājums. mums taču katram ir sava uztvere un izpratne par lietām un tas ir tikai normāli :) es, piemēram, nepavelkos no tehno (lai gan šis tas no minimal techno man patīk), tomēr nepārmetu cilvēkiem, kuri no tā ķer kaifu. united colors :)
From: | (Anonymous) |
Date: | September 23rd, 2005 - 11:13 pm |
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Es ari neparmetu.. izlasi ko es uzraxtiju. ;-)
From: | arteck |
Date: | September 24th, 2005 - 02:16 am |
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nu, tad vajadzētu nedaudz citādāk to formulēt, jo, kā pats redzi, vismaz diviem cilvēkiem tas šķiet kā pārmetums :) jebkurā gadījumā tu zini atbildi uz uzdoto jautājumu, ja pajautātu pats sev, kāpēc tev patīk tieši tas bīts un tā sintiņa vai kāda cita skaņa, ko klausies pats. jo tas tev sniedz to dajebkādu, bet tik ļoti īpašo sajūtu. tas nav "tehniskas dabas" jautājums ;)
Par The Campfire Headphase: "The whole mood of this record is really uplifting and happy generally. It's really a case of saying: All the mystery and magic and all this kind of nonsense that built up around the last record got to a point where it was just silly. People were understanding things from our music that we didn't put in there and were saying there was an evil underrcurrent to everything. And we are not like that at all. It was a theme that we wanted to persue on that record but people have understood from that that we always put secret, dark, sinister, and satanic things in our music. And that became more important than the music itself."
From: | arteck |
Date: | September 26th, 2005 - 11:30 pm |
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jopcik, bračkas!
From: | arteck |
Date: | September 27th, 2005 - 02:04 pm |
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wah! daudz, daudz, daudz tā teksta :)
Te ir fotogrāfijas no The Wire raksta. 

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