muzons - March 27th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 27th, 2013

Daughter - If You Leave (2013) [Mar. 27th, 2013|03:04 am]



indie pop
101 Mb

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Boil - aXiom [2013] [Mar. 27th, 2013|11:26 am]
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--- Country of Origin: Denmark ---
--- Genres: Progressive Rock, Progressive Metal, Alternative Metal, Hard Rock ---
--- Similar Artists: Prisma, Kaura, Moving Atlas, The Chronicles Of Israfel, Aoria, Cire ---
--- Influences: Alice In Chains, Katatonia, Soundgarden, Meshuggah, A Perfect Circle, Opeth, Tool, Head Control System ---

Based in Aarhus, Denmark, the progrock band BOIL plays an ambitious style of progressive rock and metal that balances on the delicate edge of melodic catchiness, intricacy and complexity. With the 5 members drawing from widely different influences, the unique mixture contains elements of both polyrhythmic modern metal, electronica, grunge and classic rock.

jauki mincīši

320 k/114 M/mp3
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