muzons - February 16th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 16th, 2011

Sturmast - Ibis Redibis Nunquam In Bello Peribis (2007) [Feb. 16th, 2011|01:20 am]


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Nav nekāds jaunums, bet tiem, kam ir, būs, tas ir, tiem, kam patiktu hipercēls un gana daudzveidīgs martial/neofolk (ja esi pusis, nepatiks). Diemžēl pagaidām vienīgais konkrētā ungāru projekta radījums, toties fenomenāls savā kvalitātē uz žanra kopējā fona.

1. Solum Ipsum
2. My Prayer Is My Inner Armour
3. Kraft
4. The Big Play
5. For Everyone Circus and Bread!
6. Veni Vidi Vici
7. The Regiment Is Departing

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PJ Harvey - Let England Shake [2011] [Feb. 16th, 2011|01:16 pm]


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PJ Harvey - Let England Shake | 53MB

On Let England Shake, Harvey is not often upfront or forceful; her lyrics, though, are as disturbing as ever. Here, she paints vivid portraits of war, and her sharp focus on the up-close, hand-to-hand devastation of World War I - depicting "soldiers falling like lumps of meat" - provides a fitting setting for today's battlegrounds. /
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