muzons - November 15th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 15th, 2010

And So I Watch You From Afar - Straight Through The Sun [Nov. 15th, 2010|11:34 am]


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reku,grupa izlaida jaunu singliņu pirms šie 2011. sper vaļā savu jauno albumu.

Pay for the A-Side 'Straight Through The Sun' from 15/11/2010 with a Tweet or a post on your Facebook Wall: 

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Nother Blond Chic - Starts With Word 'Fuck' [Nov. 15th, 2010|05:33 pm]

Artist: Nother Blond Chic (feat. Rich Throaty Silky Misty Voice)
Track: Starts With Word 'Fuck'
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