muzons - May 19th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 19th, 2010

Operation Buffalo - Operation Buffalo (2010) [May. 19th, 2010|03:02 pm]
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EP title: Operation Buffalo - Operation Buffalo

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Date: May 10, 2010
Cat.#: INQ015
Review: A perfect example of where quite an amateur achievement could go: this EP was recorded over two summers of exam revision procrastination, and it gives the feeling of smoothly arranged, still pure home work, which could be performed almost by everybody interested by music. Some songs are mostly about little things that happen in author's life, some aren't about anything at all. It's like when you put a seed without big plans to see how it grows; but when you return within a year or so, you see that it growed into the small tree, which continues to go higher for a long time. "Operation Buffalo's" debut is like about a soundtrack to the growing tree: it starts from the deep darkness, get a stable ground and power, then reaches even higher, until it touches the atmoshpere, and makes a new seed from itself.

Possible Definition: Plans To Have No Plans

Direct link to this release:
Operation Buffalo - Operation Buffalo

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