muzons - January 7th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 7th, 2009

[Jan. 7th, 2009|12:23 am]

The record is the document of a performance by the duo in which Henke soundtracked Bauder's "morphing, flashing and flickering three-dimensional sculpture, [consisting]…of 64 moving, helium-filled balloons." Each balloon in the performance contained a "bright white LED," which Henke was able to turn off and on via his choices in triggering each piece of music that he prepared before the performance. (Bauder controlled the height of each balloon.) As such, each performance was unique and Atom/Document only reflects one possible version. Henke himself says that the result "is the most 'serious' album I created so far, and it marks a new coordinate in my musical universe, with its combination of noisy and rough industrial sounds, processed piano and distant drones."
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