muzons - November 23rd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 23rd, 2008

Panopticon (ASV) [Nov. 23rd, 2008|11:59 am]
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Panopticon - Self Titled (2008) part 1, part 2
Atmospheric Black Metal

"Black metal focusing on political and philosophical issues such as anarchism, objectivism, society, paganism, pantheism, norse mythology/heathenism and beer. I created this project because i was tired of consumer driven music, a-political and boring, stale satanism and racist bullshit that plagues the black metal community. No hair cuts, no big record labels, no biggotry, no drum machines, no rulers, no masters."
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[Nov. 23rd, 2008|10:28 pm]

The Sight Below - No Place For Us EP

It’s a sound that encompasses shoegazers’ obsessive tone layering, ambient’s mood-setting sprawl, and techno music’s horizon-spanning momentum at once

kā reizi dienām, kad aiz loga ir sniega dzirnaviņas, bet tu sēdi pie radiatora un dūdo / + - viena dziesma par velti +
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Boris - Smile Live [Nov. 23rd, 2008|11:34 pm]


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Japāņu monstru Boris jaunākais (koncert)albums. Ar dziesmām no jaunākā albuma Smile un pāris vecākiem gabaliem.

velkams te
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