muzons - July 29th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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July 29th, 2008

[Jul. 29th, 2008|03:50 pm]

2 Banks of 4 - Junkyard Gods (tur gan ir tikai viena dziesma no shii albuma - Wake me 5:30)

Junkyard Gods is an epic tour de force that cruises effortlessly through the twisted labyrinth of modern music genres - from soul to funk over to house and broken beat. Demus and Zinger put the emphasis on interaction and improvisation between all the musicians involved in the project, peppering it with their own electronic experimentations. This mix of influences, individual ideas and collective thinking is centred by Valerie Etienne, whose presence shines through the record from beginning to end. The whole album is a wonderful journey made of quirky electronic beats and sounds, flute solos, saxophone, trumpet and piano, strangely chaotic harmonies and intricate drumming sequences
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