muzons - June 18th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 18th, 2007

transparent dark. klausīties klusumā [Jun. 18th, 2007|05:34 pm]

In 1998, David Lynch completed work on a new album by Jocelyn Montgomery, the Scottish fiddle player. The album is based on 12th century verses by Hildegard von Bingen.

"To sing it, it's physically incredible because it's so free form," she says. "I do feel in awe of the work. I just don't know anything that compares to it."

Hildegard of Bingen was an artist, author, counselor, dramatist, linguist, naturalist, philosopher, physician, poet, political consultant, prophet, visionary, and a composer of music. She is the first composer for whom a biography exists and one of her works, performed as a play, is considered the precursor that led to opera.

Music was extremely important to Hildegard. She describes it as the means of recapturing the original joy and beauty of paradise. According to her before the Fall, Adam had a pure voice and joined angels in singing praises to god. After the fall, music was invented and musical instruments made in order to worship god appropriately. Perhaps this explains why her music most often sounds like what we imagine angels singing to be like.
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[Jun. 18th, 2007|10:20 pm]
1.)būtu ļoti jauki, ja kāds varētu šeit ielikt the orb live '93

2.)šite var paklausīties vienu no maniem mīļākajiem albumiem Lull - Cold Summer. un vēl daudz ko citu.
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