muzons - October 11th, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 11th, 2006

[Oct. 11th, 2006|01:22 pm]
[music |Skream - Monsoon (Loefah Remix)]

Dubstep ar aziātisku piesitienu (piečīgājienu).

Skream - Monsoon (Loefah Remix)
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Jeff Mills & Orchestra [Oct. 11th, 2006|01:23 pm]



1. Opening
2. Imagine
3. The March
4. Time Machine
5. Eclipse
6. Entrance To Metropolis
7. Keatons Theme
8. Daylight
9. The Bells
10. Gamma Player
11. 4 Art
12. Medium C
13. Amazon
14. See This Way
15. Sonic Destroyer

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[Oct. 11th, 2006|03:14 pm]


Ļoti interesants saits, kurš atļauj meklēt dziesmas/video/spēles(?) un uzreiz tās arī turpat noklausīties/noskatīties. Nez, kā viņiem ar autortiesībām?
Man domāt, noderēs, kad gribi dzirdēt kādu dziesmu šeit & tagad, nepalaižot P2P programmas. Vai arī pie sveša kompja.
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